I have been accumulating some links related to tenure denial; see the link to my delicious page on the right side of the blog. There is plenty of content on the web about cases related to discrimination (real or alleged), political and religious issues, etc. There is relatively less related to those who were just denied tenure period. By the way, one thing I have not mentioned is the legal work I did through my tenure denial--maybe that is a long enough story for a whole blog entry--but the conclusion I came to in that research was that civil suits challenging tenure denials that don't have any allegations of systematic class discrimination or political/religious bias probably have an extremely, extremely low chance of succeeding.
Please, if there is anyone out there reading this (and it is far from clear there is) send me anything you have related to this issue. Notable is Rob Knop's blogging about his tenure denial and what he has done since then. He has been one of the few to come out publicly about what has happened to him. It is all the more brave since, as I have noted several times before on this blog, one thing you learn about tenure denial is that basically the best thing you can do afterward is to as completely as possible hide or at least cloud what happened. That's why I started this blog, as a place to voice things that I felt were completely impossible otherwise. If there are others of you out there, please contact me. My whole aim is at anonymity here so one can speak candidly about the issues.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
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